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عزيزي الزائر .. مرحب بك في المنتجع السوداني لاطباء الاسنان يرجى التسجيل لمشاهده كافة المواضيع ..وقتتا سعيدا
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 الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان

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تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 4:51 am

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
امتحان دبلوم الزمالة البريطانية ادنبرة

[size=18]أولا: معلومات عن الإمتحان:

الإمتحان مكون من جزئين part1 وpart2 ويعقد في بريطانيا في جامعة ادنبره وفي بعض الدول العربية مثل مصر, البحرين, الإمارات
والان تم افتتاح فرع في السودان لدى جامعه الخرطوم و جامعة الرباط ومستشفى السلاح الطبي.
- الجزء الأول: part1
- يعقد مرتين في السنة
- يتكون الإمتحان من ورقتين, مدة الإمتحان في كل ورقة ساعتان ونصف.
- الورقة الأولى تحتوي على أسئلة اختيار متعدد, وأسئلة اختيار الإجابة الأصح , وأسئلة التوصيل وهناك امثلة على ذلك في بداية الموضوع(sample MSAS & MCQS)
- الورقة الثانية تحتوي على أسئلة متعددة الأجوبة القصيرة.
- شروط التقديم لــ part1 :
- لايشترط الا ان بكون معك شهادة طب أسنان فقط.
- كيفية التقديم:
- طباعة الــapplication وتعبئته واختيار مركز ودولة الأمتحان وارسالها الى عنوان بريد الجامعة مع صورة مصدقة من الشهادة وصورة الجواز وصورتين شخصيتين.

- عنوان الجامعة:
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
3 Hill Place
Edinburgh EH8 9DS
Phone +44 0131 668 9222
Fax +44 0131 668 9218
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- بعد الرد عليك يتم دفع الرسوم اما بشيك مصدق اوتحويلة ومن ثم ارسال الــ application مرة أخرى وسوف تعطى رقم جلوسك.
- ومن ثم تجهز نفسك للإمتحان لأنه امتحان ليس بتلك السهولة.

- الجزء الثاني: part 2

- يعقد مرتين في السنة.

- يتكون الإمتحان من امتحان عملي او مايسمى بالــ objective structured clinical examination او OSCE ويكون الإمتحان لمدة ساعتان.

- يعقد الإمتحان في بريطانيا في مقر الجامعة وبالنسبة للدول العربية حاليا يعقد في دبي فقط.

- شروط الإمتحان:

- لابد من ان تكون حاصل على PART 1

- اكمال اثنا عشر شهر خبرة بعد الجامعة بدوام كامل وليس جزئي أو اكمال أربع سنوات بدوام جزئي.

- للحصول على الدبلوم في الزمالة لابد ان تكون لديك شهادة طب أسنان وسنة خبرة بدوام كامل أو اربع سنوات بدوام جزئي والحصول على شهادة PART 2 .

- طريقة التقديم:

- بنفس طريقة PART 1
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- الجزء الأول part1 :الورقة الأولى:
- The subject headings in the syllabus will be tested in roughly the following
- proportions:
- •Patient examination and diagnosis 15%
- •Treatment planning and patient management 10%
- •Health promotion and disease prevention 15%
- •Medical and dental emergencies <5%
- •Anaesthesia, sedation, pain and anxiety control <5%
- •Periodontal therapy and management of soft tissues 15%
- •Surgical and non-surgical management of the hard and
- soft tissues of the head and neck 15%
- •The developing dentition 10%
- •Restoration and replacement of teeth 15%
- •Communication 0%
- •Professionalism and ethics <5%
- •Management and leadership <5%

- الجزء الاول part 1 الورقة الثانية:
- The parts of the syllabus covered are:
- •Critical reading
- •Infection control
- •Growth, development and ageing
- •Laboratory communication
- •Prescription and letter writing
- •Radiography and radiology
- •Test result interpretation – histopathology, diet sheets, pocket charting
- •Treatment planning
- The paper contains 10 questions, and all questions should be attempted. Marks are
- not deducted for incorrect answers. The questions may be divided into several
- sections.
- Clinical photographs or radiographs may be attached to the question paper. Forms
- for letter or prescription writing may be in the answer booklet: If this is the case,
- instructions will be included in the question paper to indicate the question(s) to which
- these items relate.
- Examiners are provided with a model answer for marking the paper. They will give
- the same marks even if your answer is set out in a different way. It is important that
- your answer is presented legibly, in a simple brief way, so that examiners can readily
- see that you have included all the relevant information.

- الجزء الثاني:part 2
- Part 2 Examination
- •The aim of this part of the examination is to test your clinical competence by
- assessing your communication skills and your knowledge, understanding and
- management of a range of common conditions.
- •The examination takes the form of an OSCE (objective structured clinical
- examination).
- •The examination will normally last two hours in total.
- •Candidates will be escorted in turn around 12 ‘stations’, normally spending 8
- minutes at each station and 2 minutes ‘in transit’. Two of these ‘stations’ are rest
- stations.
- •At each of the remaining 10 stations, you will be presented with some information
- about a patient and then asked to manage the patient’s concerns and/or
- communicate with the patient and/or use the clinical material to plan treatment.
- The patients will be actors. The stations will carry equal weight.
- •You will be given a booklet containing information about the patients. You will
- have the two minutes between stations to read about your next patient.
- •At some diets, there may be an extra ‘Pilot’ station at which a new clinical
- scenario will be tested for possible use at a future diet. The mark awarded at a
- Pilot station will not contribute to your final overall mark
- •There will be at least one examiner at each station who will observe you, and
- may ask questions.
- •The criteria on which your performance is assessed are defined below.
- •You will not be asked to carry out any active treatment.
- •You will be expected to wear appropriate clinical dress. You do not need to wear
- a white coat.
- •The examination will be conducted in English
- An example of a case can be found at the end of this document.
- After your examination you may be required to wait in the examination centre
- for a short time while other candidates are examined.
- The ten areas on which you will be examined will be as listed below. The full range of
- clinical disciplines will be covered.
- •History taking
- •Explaining special test results
- •Explaining a diagnosis and prognosis
- •Planning treatment
- •Discussion of possible treatment options
- •Explaining treatment procedure in detail
- •Giving information needed for consent
- •Motivating a patient
- •Breaking bad news/handling complaints
- •Medical history

The marking criteria used to assess you are listed below. Not all the criteria will be
applicable to every station of the examination.
Information Gathering
•Taking a focussed and efficient history (patient concerns, medical, dental and
social history) that elicits relevant information.
•Making appropriate use of information from records provided.
•Coming to a diagnosis.
Dentist-Patient interaction
•Welcome and courtesy. Sensitivity to the patient’s feelings. Empathy.
•Facilitating expression of the patient’s story by listening skills and using nonverbal
•Awareness of the patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
•Respect for the patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
•Respect for patient’s confidentiality and autonomy.
Conveying information
•Explaining the problem.
•Explaining the options for treatment
•Negotiating the patient’s agreement to a management plan.
•Advising and educating the patient.
•Breaking bad news.
•Using appropriate language and checking patient’s understanding.
Clinical Issues
•Devising an effective treatment plan (evidence-based where possible).
•Arranging appropriate follow-up.
•Including preventive management where appropriate.
•Including a range of options where available.
•Sensible use of time and resources.
•Recognising implications for patient and others.
•Awareness of prognosis, consent and other medico-legal issues.
All stations are of equal value. Some stations may have a greater degree of difficulty
than others but this will be reflected in the passing standard. You do not have to passevery station in order to achieve an overall pass in the examination

- مثال لامتحان الجزء الثاني:
- Sample OSCE question and answer

- Information given to the candidate about the “patient”.
- (You will have 90 seconds to look at this information before you speak to the
- “patient”. The “patient” will have information that you will need to obtain from her)
- Name Fiona Jones
- Age 25
- Gender Female
- Occupation Solicitor
- Relevant social history Non-smoker/never smoked
- Drinks 1 to 2 glasses of wine several evenings a week
- Relevant medical history Fit and well
- Relevant dental history UR1 traumatised at the age of 7 years; restored with
- series of composite restorations, then a post crown at
- age 16 years.
- UR1 root fractured approximately 1 year ago and root
- extracted 9 months ago.
- Currently wearing a tissue borne acrylic P/- to replace
- this tooth.
- Otherwise intact dentition, minimally restored.
- Excellent oral hygiene.
- The patient wants to discuss with you the available options to replace the missing
- front tooth with something more permanent
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ثالثا: الكتب المرشحة للقراءة:
- هناك يوجد قائمة كتب للقراءة تفضلها الجامعة وموجوده في ملف الـ reading list في أول المشاركة.
- الكتب التي تفضل للقراءة:

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رابعا: روابط الكتب المطلوبة للإمتحان:


Master Dentistry-Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine

ISBN: 0443061920
Title: Master Dentistry-Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine
Author: Paul Coulthard Philip Sloane Keith Horner Elizabeth Theaker
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Publication Date: 2003-07-10
Number Of Pages: 220

"There is no doubt that this book has a very broad coverage, and that, in itself, will be attractive to the student revising for exams. This textbook will not only be a valuable addition to dental school libraries, but at the price of £21.99 will also find itself on many an undergraduate and postgraduate student's book****f." L. Brocklebank, British Dental Journal, December 2003
book is an easy read and makes referrals simple.
Overall this book should be recommended to undergraduate students as a very useful aid to accompany their handouts and textbooks. Senior house officers may find this book time saving as a referral, and a GDP may wish to update his or her knowledge by dipping into this book." Dr Karim Jaafary, Dental Practice, September 2003
core learning with self-assessment in an accessible, easy-to-use format. It offers an effective method for reviewing and studying the essential clinical knowledge dental students need to know for final exams." Fifth Year Dental Student, Leech Y Gelen - University of Wales College of Medicine Magazine, March 2004

Book Description
A book in the Master Dentistry series, this superior review book combines core learning with self-assessment in an accessible, easy-to-use format. It offers an effective method for reviewing and studying the essential clinical knowledge dental students need to know for final exams.

Product Details
* Paperback: 220 pages
* Publisher: Churchill Livingstone (July 10, 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 0443061920
* Format: PDF
* Size: 38.7 MB
* Price: $44.95

Corrected pages
Added Bookmarks
Added Links in the contents page
No pass

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Master Dentistry - Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics:

Restorative Dentistry - Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

(Churchill's Mastery of Dentistry)

ISBN: 0443061939
Title: Master Dentistry - Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics: Restorative Dentistry - Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics (Churchill's Mastery of Dentistry)
Author: Peter Heasman
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Publication Date: 2003-08-01
Number Of Pages: 215
Average Amazon Rating: 5.0

"Chapters have a standard format, a brief outline of topics covered with learning objectives for each, and techniques highlighted through the use of boxes. Each chapter ends with self-assessment questions of varying format with complete answers given...overall this is a nice text which fulfils its objectives well." B Chadwick, British Dental Journal, January 2004
topics are well divided into chapters with the first four chapters dealing with restorative dentistry are well written dealing with basic aspects of following through to the latest state of the art treatment.
...recommended to GDPs, undergraduate students and those dentists who believe in postgraduate updating of his/her knowledge in clinical skills." Dr Karim Jaafary, Dental Practice, September 2003
is a comprehensive revision aid for dentistry finals, it will also come in handy if you are planning on sitting the MFDS. It combines core learning with self-assessment in an accessible, easy-to-use format. It offers an effective method for reviewing and studying the essential clinical knowledge dental students need to know for final exams." Fifth Year Dental Student, Leech Y Gelen - University of Wales Medical Magazine, March 2004

book starts with an excellent introduction on how to learn and includes tips on learning techniques, approaching examinations and descriptions of the main types of examination question formats...
...most chapters are excellent for final BDS revision and some would be suitable for MFDS level." Lecturer, Dundee Dental School, Dental Update, June 2004

Book Description
A book in the Master Dentistry series, this superior review book combines core learning with self-assessment in an accessible, easy-to-use format. It offers an effective method for reviewing and studying the essential clinical knowledge dental students need to know for final exams.

Product Details
* Paperback: 215 pages
* Publisher: Churchill Livingstone (August 1, 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 0443061939
* Format: PDF
* Size: 50.5 MB

Corrected pages
Added Bookmarks
Added Links in the contents page

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50.5 MB
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Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry
by Edward Odell

Editorial Reviews

"...the value of this resource extends far beyond undergraduate teaching. Qualified practitioners, especially new graduates, would find the book a useful clinical practice reference manual. Postgraduate teachers and vocational trainers could benefit from the case study approach when preparinf for tutorials. When your first patient comes in with 'fractured incisors' and the next is a pain in the neck' this book might just be the place to which you should turn." Readers' Panel member, Dental Update, June 2004

Product Description
This book is designed to explain to dental students the processes of diagnosis and treatment planning, through consideration of clinical cases and problems associated with aspects of all dental specialties. It presents a series of case histories from all the major areas of dentistry, and uses a question-and-answer format to guide readers through the process of examination, differential diagnosis, investigations, diagnosis and treatment. It prepares readers for the wide variety of problems likely to be encountered in clinical practice.

• 56 cases in clinical dentistry are presented in a practical, problem-based approach, leading the reader toward the correct diagnosis and treatment plan.
• Treatment alternatives are explored and evaluated in terms of their advantages and disadvantages.
• Material from all the dental specialties is integrated in the cases presented, in order to cover the full range of real-world clinical problems.
• Color illustrations throughout bring the cases to life and clarify important concepts.
• All cases from the first edition have been updated, and 13 new cases have been added to this edition.
• Additional information is provided on behavioral management of nervous or difficult patients.
• More content on pediatric dentistry has been added.
See all Editorial Reviews

Product Details

Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 2 edition

(April 15, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0443073864
ISBN-13: 978-0443073861
Product Dimensions: 11.6 x 8.2 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds

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Clinical Problem Solving in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry
By Declan Millett, Richard Welbury

Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Number Of Pages: 204
Publication Date: 2005-03-04
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0443072655
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780443072659

This practical resource addresses a range of clinical problems in orthodontics and pediatric dentistry and provides a step-by-step guide to differential diagnosis and treatment planning. Emphasizing clinical-problem solving, it helps readers combine different dental procedures into a rational plan of treatment for patients who may have a number of different dental problems that require attention.

Focuses on clinical problem-solving in orthodontics and pediatric dentistry two closely-related topics that are usually separated into different texts.
Offers practical help with treatment planning, guiding the reader through the process of decision-making.
Provides two different approaches to coverage some topics include case scenarios with questions and answers; others include differential diagnosis with a focus on how to plan and manage treatment.
Uses Evidence-Based boxes systematically to provide a rationale for treatment approaches.
Includes colorful illustrations throughout to reinforce content.
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Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry[/color]

by Jan Lindhe (Editor), Thorkild Karring (Editor), Niklaus P. Lang

Editorial Reviews

Book Description
This fourth edition of Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry is the ultimate resource on periodontics. The editors are joined by over 50 expert contributors to address the full spectrum of periodontal issues. The book 's coverage extends logically from the anatomy of the periodontium through to treatment options, and elucidates the relationship between periodontal and restorative dental therapies. The section dedicated to implants in the periodontally-compromised patient reflects the increasing importance of this form of oral rehabilitation. This section includes new chapters on implant placement in the esthetic zone and issues related to supportive therapy in the implant patient.With an approximate 25% increase in length, the fourth edition keeps pace with the level of interest and growth of research in periodontology. Chapters included in previous editions have been updated and many new chapters added, including modifying factors in periodontal disease, risk assessment, and genetics in relation to periodontitis.The remarkable scholarship evident in the text is matched only by the quality of the illustrations, which guide the reader through the wealth of material detailed in the book. These features combine to make essential reading for the discerning student and practitioner and an asset to the faculty or practice library.Key FeaturesIncludes fourteen new chaptersFeatures 2000 illustrations, with over 1500 in colorDistills significant and original research findingsIncludes detailed case reportsEditors and contributors provide an international perspectiveReviews Comments on the Previous Edition'This is probably one of the most comprehensive texts written for students on the subject of clinical periodontology and implant dentistry, and I believe will make an excellent text for both the undergraduate and graduate student in periodontics. 'Australian Dental Journal'This magnum opus is truly a tour de force . . . the reviewer quickly runs out of superlatives as he peruses this third edition of today 's number one source on clinical periodontology and implant dentistry . . . I cannot begin to do justice to the breadth and depth of this tome and the beautiful color illustrations that enhance the concepts. 'American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicsView sample chapters online at [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] from April 2003Also of InterestReconstructive Aesthetic Implant SurgeryAbd El Salam El Askary0813821088Dental CariesEdited by Ole Fejerskov and Edwina Kidd1405107189A Dentist 's Pocket Guide on Breath MalodorDaniel van Steenberghe0813803969Visit our website: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Book Info
Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark. Text addresses the full spectrum of peridontal issues, from the anatomy of peridontium through treatment options. Features new material on implants reflecting the increasing shift toward this form of oral rehabilitation. Covers significant research and includes detailed case reports. Color and halftone illustrations. Previous edition: c1997.
Product Details

Hardcover: 1072 pages
Publisher: Blackwell Munksgaard; 4 Ill edition
(June 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405102365
ISBN-13: 978-1405102360
Product Dimensions: 12 x 8.8 x 2 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 pounds

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 5:09 am

Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology

"This book continues to be an excellent publication and one which many people will wish to have on their ****ves and in their libraries." L. Brocklebank, British Dental Journal, January 2003

Book Description
This is a third edition of the dominant textbook in this field, which is used in nearly all dental schools in the UK and in many other countries. Covers both radiography (producing the image) and radiology (interpreting the image) and presents the subject in an accessible format. This new edition has been revised in accordance with important new guidelines on radiation protection which came into force in January 2000.

Product Details
* Paperback: 448 pages
* Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 3 edition (June 15, 2002)

* Language: English
* ISBN: 044307027X
* Format: PDF
* Size: 48.7 MB
* Price: $73.95


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 5:11 am

Cawson's Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicin

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 5:13 am

An Introduction to Orthodontics (Oxford Medical Publications)

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 248
Publication Date: 2001-05-31
Sales Rank: 1175811
ISBN / ASIN: 0192631845
EAN: 9780192631848
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Oxford University Press, USA
Studio: Oxford University Press, USA
Average Rating: 0
Total Reviews: 0

Book De******ion:

Orthodontics is concerned with facial growth and the development of the dentition and occlusion. A solid understanding of orthodontics is an essential prerequisite to treatment planning in children and in the management of adult dentition. As a result of the speed at which clinical practice changes, a new edition of An Introduction to Orthodontics will prove invaluable. The second edition of this popular textbook continues to provide a first- rate introduction to current thinking and the practice of orthodontics. The material has been thoroughly revised and updated, and covers all aspects of orthodontics from management of the mixed dentition to adult and surgical orthodontics. This is an extremely readable and user-friendly book for both undergraduate dentistry students and the interested general dental practitioner alike. The strength of the book lies in its logical and concise format, which is complemented by over 350 full colour photographs.

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الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 5:15 am

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry
Source: Oxford University Press (OUP)

Author(s): David A Mitchell and Laura Mitchell

Edition: 4th ed.
Year: 2004

ISBN-10: 0198529201
ISBN-13: 9780198529200
Pages: 818

Covers the whole of clinical dentistry in a concise format

In this new edition, the authors have distilled the key elements of clinical practice into a readily accessible book, with a new colour text design and blank pages provided for readers to add their own notes.

Find an extensive revision of cavity classification, caries diagnosis, resin composites and light curing, endodontics, and bleaching and implants.
Uncover new material on caries risk assessment and new preparation techniques, such as air abrasion and sonic preparation.
Accurately identify oral medicine lesions and intepret some restorative techniques with a new colour plate section tthat illustrates pathology.
Read up on the latest developments in paediatric dentistry, including new restorative approaches and behaviour management, dietary advice and treatment of the handicapped patient.
Get an extensive list of web-****d learning opportunities and useful websites.

Broad Subjects:

Clinical Medicine

Specific Subjects:

Dentistry & Dental Hygiene

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تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 5:16 am

Prevention of Oral Disease

By John J. Murray, June H. Nunn, James G. Steele
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 292
Publication Date: 2003-07-11
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0192632795
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780192632791
Binding: Paperback
Book Description:

The new edition of Prevention of Oral Disease remains the only comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of dental prevention. Chapters covering conventional preventive issues such as diet and fluorides are complemented by innovative new or revised material in a wide range of areas, including mucosal disease, the pulp and endodontics and periodontal disease. Generic subjects such as the social dimension of oral health and health promotion underpin the clinically based chapters. The book is relevant to anyone who has to provide or understand prevention, irrespective of their clinical discipline or interest. This is an essential text for undergraduates, but will be valuable for postgraduate students in many fields, and for dental practitioners and hygienists interested in current thinking on prevention. The material presented is concise, structured and well illustrated and is based on the most recent research evidence. For the first time, the book is presented in an attractive two-colour format and the use of summaries and key points throughout the book ensure that it is learner friendly.

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تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 5:17 am

Paediatric Dentistry - 3rd Ed
By Richard R. Welbury, Monty S. Duggal, Marie-Therese Hosey

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 456
Publication Date: 2005-09-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0198565836
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780198565833

The third edition of this comprehensive text is supplemented by over 350 high-quality colour illustrations ensuring that Paediatric Dentistry is an essential textbook for both theoretical knowledge and the practice of clinical paediatric dentistry. This user-friendly, accessible new edition includes contributions from a number of new dental schools and practitioners using an approach which reflects modern trends within the specialty. Extensive use of bullet lists, key learning points, advice on further reading as well as space for the reader to make notes ensures that key information can be quickly absorbed. The inclusion of two new editors and several new contributors ensures that the third edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. The restorative section has been remodelled. There are now separate chapters on the operative care of the primary and permanent dentitions and coverage of endodontics has now been incorporated into these chapters. There is increased coverage of risk assessment and treatment planning; and recent developments in caries diagnosis and fluoride delivery systems are included. The new edition will continue to be an invaluable text for every undergraduate dental student and represents an ideal reference point for further in-depth reading for the specialist practitioner.

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان   الزمالة البريطانية لاطباء الاسنان Emptyالإثنين مارس 12, 2012 5:22 am

[b] ودى نماذج لبعض أسئلتهم والأجابة اللى عليها نجوم[/
what is the cavo-surface angle of prep for amalgam resto...
a-30 degree
b- 60 degree
**c- 90 degree***
d- 130 degree

when you do amalgam finishing.....
a- immediately
**b- 24 hours later****

when polishing amalgam rest .....
1- avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste
2- wait for 24 hours
3- all ***

the roof of mandibular fossa consist of:
***a-thin compact bone
b-spongy bone
c-cancellous bone

Q- what is the copper ratio that eliminates gamma phase 2:
a- 2% copper
b- 4% copper
c- 10 % copper
***d- 13 % copper***

Q- pit and fissure sealants are indicated to prevent dental caries in pits and fissure:
a- in primary teeth
b- in permanent teeth
***c- a & b

Q- what is the best instrument used for removing UN SUPPORTED enamel at the gingival wall of class II:
a- chisel
b- hatchet
***c- gingival marginal trimmer

Q- teeth that have lost pits and fissure sealant show…
a- the same susceptibility to caries as teeth that have not been sealed
b- higher susceptibility than non sealed teeth
***c- lower susceptibility than non sealed teeth
d- the same susceptibility as teeth with full retained sealant

Q- the periodontal tissue compromise which of the following tissue:
a- gingiva and PDL
b- gingiva and PDL & alveolar bone
***c- gingiva and PDL & alveolar bone & cementum
d- gingiva and PDL & alveolar bone & cementum & enamel

Q- which of the following may cause gingival enlargement
***a- phenyntoin (dilantin)
b- cyclosporine
c- nifedipine ( a calcium channel blocker)
d- aspirin
e- none of the above
هنا كمان b ,c صح بس مو محطوطة ومابعرف ليش وغالبا سقطت سهوا من اللي نقلها بعد ماطلع من الامتحان ويجوز كان في خيار انو الثلاثة a.b.c

Q- the function of the periodontal ligament include
a- mechanical function
b- formative function
c- nutritive function
d- sensory function
***e- all of the above

Q- pt on treatment with steroids are placed on antibiotic after oral surgical procedure because
****a- the pt is more susceptible to infection
b- antibiotics are synergistic to steroids
c- antibiotic inhibits kerksheimer reaction
d-antibiotic protect the pt from steroid depletion

Q- periodontally involved root surface must be root planed to
a- remove the attached plaque and calculus
b- remove the necrotic cementum
c- change the root surface to become biocompatible
d- all of the above
e- a & b only
هنا كمان غالبا كل الاجابات صحيحة لأنو لازم يتحقق هذا الشي بعد المعالجة - اعادة الارتباط- ازالة الملاط المتمو- جعل سطح الجذر سليما وحيويا

Q- early squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity present as:
a- vesicle
b- sessile mass
c- a red plaque
***d- an ulcer
e- a white cauliflower like lesion

Q- which of the following lesions has more tendency to show well defined multilocular radiolucency:
a- lateral periodontal cyst
b- squamous cell carcinoma of jaw bones
c- primordial cyst
***d- ameloblastoma
e- osteomylitis of the mandible

Q- firm, fixed neck nodes are most to be detected in association with:
a- an ameloblastoma
b- a basal cell carcinoma
c- an odontogenic fibroma
***d- a squamous cell carcinoma

a- no PDL
b- caused by trauma
c- extracted surgically
***d- all of the above

Q- the following medical conditions may precipitate a syncope:
2- mild hyperglycemia
3- anti hypertensive drugs with ganglionic blocking agent
4- anti depressant therapy
a- 1 only is correct
b- 1& 2 are correct
c- 2,3 &4 are correct
***d-1,2,3 &4 are correct

Q- one of the main features of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is the ulcers are confined to the attached gingival and hard palate:
a- true
***b- false

لأنو ما يكون على الهارد بالت

1. Compomer restorative materials are:
a. Glass ionomer with polymer components
***b. Resin systems with fluoride containing glasses
c. Composite resin for cervical restorations only

2. A glossy finish is best retained on a:
***a. Micro filled composite resin restoration.
b. Macrofilled resin restoration.
c. Hybrid composite resin restoration.
d. Fiber re -inforced composite resin restoration

3. A class IV composite resin restoration should be finished with a:
a. No. 330 Tungsten carbide bur.
b. Mounted stone.
***c. 12- fluted carbide bur.
d. Coarse diamond point (stone).

4. The functions of cement bases are:
1-To act alike a barrier against acids or thermal shocks.
2-The minimal thickness, which is required, is 0.5 mm of base.
a. 1 and 2.
b. None of the above.
***c. 1 only.
d. 2 only.

5. It has been proven that amalgam restoration has the following characteristics:
1- Micro leakage decrease with aging of the amalgam restoration.
2- it is the least techniques sensitive of all current direct restorations.
3-High dimensional changes.
a. 1,2 and 3.
b. 1 and 3.
***c. 1 and 2.
d. 2 only.

6. Silicate cement:
1-First tooth colored restoration.
2-It can be used as permanent filling.
3-It contains 15 % fluoride.
a. 1, 2 and 3.
b. 1 and 2.
***c. 1 and 3.
d. 1 only

7. . The effects of natural fluoride versus added fluoride in reducing dental caries as it relates to the concentration are :
a. Greater
b. Less
***c. The same

Q- radiographic diagnosis of bilateral expansile radio opaque areas in the canine-premolar region of the mandible is:
b- remaining roots
***c- tours mandibularis
d- internal oplique ridge
e- genial tubercle

Q- dental carries is an endemic disease "means that the disease is:
a- occurs clearly in excess of normal expectancy
****b- is habitually present in human population
c- affect large number of countries simultaneously
d- exhibit a seasonal pattern

Q- in countries with higher annual population growth rates, the need for community –based preventive programs would be greater for:
***a- dental caries
b-periodontal disease
c- dentofacial anomalies
d- dental floozies.

The functions of cement bases are:
1-To act alike a barrier against acids or thermal shocks.
2-The minimal thickness, which is required, is 0.5 mm of base.
a. 1 and 2.
b. None of the above.
***c. 1 only.
d. 2 only

Q- the x- ray of choice to detect the proximal caries of the anterior teeth is:
***a- periapical x-ray
b- bitewing x-ray
c- occlusal x-ray
d- non of the above
في نقاش بوحدا من النوط انو الاسنان الامامية افضل وسيلة هي بالاشعة المتألقة - بالعربي نسيت ايش ترجمتها بالضبط يعني الجواب رقم d بس لما نشوف صيغة السؤال نلاقي حدد الاكس راي حصرا ومعناتو الجواب هنا مثل مو مختار

Q- in terms of caries prevention, the most effective and most cost effective method is:
***a- community based programs
b- private based programs
c- individually based programs

Q- radiographic examination in impacted teeth is useful to demonstrate:
a- proximity of the roots to the adjacent anatomical structures
b- associated pathology
***d- all of the above

Q- the post operative complication after the removal of impacted third molar is:
a- secondary hemorrhage
b- swelling
c- pain
d- alveolar osteitis
***e- all of the above

Q- acute periapical abcess associated with
***a- swelling
b- widening of PDL
c- pus discharge

Q- epidemiology can be defined as :
a- a study of special areas of the skin
***b- the study of the distribution and determinant of disease in man
c- study of biological animals
d- study of disease in research laboratory

Q- dental caries :
a- is a transmissible disease
b- is world wide in distribution
c- can be prevented
***d- all of the above
e- non of the above

Q- the most accurate impression material for making impression of an oral cavity is:
a- impression compound
b- condensation type silicon
***c- polyvinyl siloxanes
d- poly sulfide

- At which location in enamel is the density of enamel crystals is lowest:
a- Prismless enamel
***b- DEJ
c-Center of enamel Prisms
d-Edge of enamel Prisms
e-Facial enamel

- The Function of cement bases are:
1-act a like a barrier against acids or thermal shocks.
2- The minimal thickness, which is required is .05 mm of base
b-none of the above
***c-1 only
d-2 only

- A glossy finish is best retained on a:
***a- Micro filled composite resin restoration.
b- Macro filled composite resin restoration.
c-Hybrid composite resin restoration.
d- Fiber re-inforced composite resin restoration

in chronic suppurative periodontitis:
a - pt. complain from moderate pain
***b- fistula with drain
c- pulp polyp in open coronal carious lesion

blood supply of the palate is from:
a- greater palatine artery
b-lesser palatine artery
c- facial artery
d- long sphenopalatine artery
e- anatomising braches from all of the above except c
هنا ماعندي الجواب الصح مافي كتاب تشريح جنبي وحتى بالموقع كان نقاشهم مو واضح للوصول للجواب الصح بس غالبا هو e انا المشكلة كانت عندي ياشباب باللغة فرق بين انك تدرس طول اخمس سنين بالعربي ويجي تمتحن اخر شي بالانكليزي

mandibular branch of tigiminal nerve leaves the skull through:
a- foramen rotundum
***b- foramen ovale
c-superior orbital fissure
d-inferior orbital fissure
e- juglar foramen

Q- in terms of caries prevention, the most effective and most cost effective method is:
***a- community based programs
b- private based programs
c- individually based programs

Q- radiographic examination in impacted teeth is useful to demonstrate:
a- proximity of the roots to the adjacent anatomical structures
b- associated pathology
***d- all of the above

Q- the post operative complication after the removal of impacted third molar is:
a- secondary hemorrhage
b- swelling
c- pain
d- alveolar osteitis
***e- all of the above

Q- acute periapical abcess associated with
***a- swelling
b- widening of PDL
c- pus discharge

Q- epidemiology can be defined as :
a- a study of special areas of the skin
***b- the study of the distribution and determinant of disease in man
c- study of biological animals
d- study of disease in research laboratory

Q- dental caries :
a- is a transmissible disease
b- is world wide in distribution
c- can be prevented
***d- all of the above
e- non of the above

Q- the most accurate impression material for making impression of an oral cavity is:
a- impression compound
b- condensation type silicon
***c- polyvinyl siloxanes
d- poly sulfide

Q- formicrisol when used should be :
a- full Saturated
b- half saturated
***c- fifth saturated
d- non of the above

Q- the PH of the calcium hydroxide is:
a- 7.2
***b- 12
c- 19

Q- the irrigation solution is good because:
a- lubricate the canals
b- flushes the debris
c- non of the above
***d- all of the above

Q- an 18 years old pt present complaining of pain, bad breath and bleeding gingival. This began over the weekend while studying for the final exam.the pt may have which of the following conditions:
***a- acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
b- rapidly progressive periodontitis
c- desquamative gingivitis
d- acute periodontal cyst

Q- best way to select retainer for rubber dam
a- contact all surface of the tooth
***b- four points of contact two buccally and two lingually without rocking
c- contact above the height of contour

permeability of dentine:
**a- bacterial products go through it
**b- decrease by formation of smear layer
**c- bacteria can go in
هذا الجواب احتارو في العلماء

Q- how can you prevent dental hyper sensitivity
***a- restoration by adhesion
b- controlled by alcohol
c- put sedative medication

Q- overhanging restoration margins should be removed because:
a- it provides ideal location for plaque accumulation
b- it tears the gingival fibers leading to attachment loss
c- stimulate inflammatory reaction directly
d- its removal permits more effective plaque control
e- a & d
***e- a & d

Q- which of the following may be used to disinfect gutta percha points
a- boiling
b- autoclave
***c- chemical solutions
d- dry heat sterilization

Q- the radiographic criteria used for evaluating the successes of endodontic therapy
***a- reduction of the size of the periapical lesion
b- no response to percussion and palpation test
c- extension of the sealer cement through lateral canals
d- non of the above

Q- the accesses opening for amaxillary premolar is most frequently
***a- oval
b- square
c- triangular
d- non of the above

Q- mandibular foramen in children
a- above the occlusal plane
***b- below the occlusal plane
c- at the level

Q- a U- shaped radiopaque structure in the upper 1st molar x-ray is
***a- the zygomatic process
b- maxillary sinus wall

Q- loss of sensation in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is related to paralysis of
***a- lingual nerve
b- hypoglossal nerve
c- chorda tympani nerve

Q- long bone formed by endochondrial ossification while flat bone by membranous calcification and many bones by booth mechanisms
***a- true

Q- the choice of local anesthesia depend on :
a- diameter of the nerve
b- structure of the bone
c- number of branches
***d- type of L.A agent chemistry

Q- when you give inferior dental block for pedo pt the angulations for the needle
a- 7 mm below the occlusal plane
b- 5 mm below the occlusal plane
c- 7 mm above the occlusal plane
***d- at the occlusal plane

Q- main use of dental fioss
a- remove calculus
b- remove over hang
***؟؟c- remove bacterial plaque
***؟؟d- remove food debris

The following are types of hamartoma except:30-
b-Compound odontoma
c-Complex odontoma

Most common Benign Tumer in oral cavity is:31-
a-Fibroma(AmdobLashic pibroma)
هو الجواب الصح وما اذكر ايش كانت الخيارات الثانية

In hairy tongue, which taste buds increase in Length:39-
***a-FiLi form
b-Fungi form

Which most common salivary gland neoplasm:41-
a-Pleomorphic adenoma
كمان هو الصح

Ranula is associated with which salivary gland:42-
a-submandiuLar gland
***b-sublingual gland

Ranula Can be treated by:43-
كان في نقاش على الطريقة الفعالة للتخلص من الكيس الضفدعي بس غالبا انو اول شي ومباشرة بالاستئصال وبعضهم يقو لا اول شي بالتكوية - يعني d واذا نكست الحالة نروح على الشق والاستئصال

35- Which of the following spaces are bilaterally involved in Ludwig's angina?
a-SubmandibuLar and masticatory spaces

33- Neoplasm that spread by Lymphatic from the angle of the mouth reach the:
a-PreauricuLar Lymph nodes
***b-mental Lymph nodes
***c-submandibuLar Lymph nodes
d-Pterygoid plexus
e-juguLo-digastric nodes

45- In radiographs, which disease cause multiple radiolucencies
c-Ricket disease

Aplastic anemia is caused by:46-

49- The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called:
b-Active transport

50- Cell that can give more than one type:
a- Fibroblast
b- Odontoblast
***c- Mesenchymal cellِ

high rate of fractures at canine area in the mandible due to:
a- cahnge direction of forces accuring here
***b- long canine root
c- lower boreder is thin in this area
d- alveolus is thin in this area
شخصيا كمان الجواب الاول صح لأنو تغير اتجاه القوة يحدث بهاي المنطقة والمهم اذا ما كان في خيار يقول انو الاثنين صح فنختار طول الجذر لأنو الاصح

what is the amount in mg in 1.8 ml of xylocain
a- 20 mg/ml
b- 1.8 mg/ml
***c- 3.6 mg

non odontogenic Lesion similar to Endo Lesion:32-
***b-initial stage of comental dysplasia
c-ossifying Fibroma
d-Dentigeaus cyst
f-Lateral periodontal cyst
j-myxoma & Hemangieoma

Which virus is present in the patient's mouth all his Life?36-
a-Herpes Simplex
b-Herpes zoster
c-varecilla Virus
****d-None of the above

38- The scientific evidence in dictating that oral Lichen pLanus is a "premalignant Lesion" is:
a-Very strong
c-Moderately strong

47- Infection is more dangerous in children than adult because
***a-marrow spaces are wide
b-Affect growth centre
c-Hypo calcification in enamel

44- 10 years old child present with bilateral swelling of submandibular area, what could be the disease:
a-Fibrous dysphasia
c-polymorphic adenoma

48- AchiLd came to the clinic with continuous involuntary movement of his head and extremities and difficulty in vocal communication;
the condition is described as:
***b-Cerebral palsy

Odontogenic infection can cause Least complication:37-
a-Pulmonary abscess
c-Prosthetic valve infection
***d-cavernous sinus thrombosis

The Common disease affecting the submandibuLar salivary gland is:
***a-salivary calculi
b-pleomorphic adenomas
c-Viral sialoadenitis
d-Infected sialoadenitis

The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is:
a- failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus
b- lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth
***c- lack of attention to tooth shape, position, and contacts
d- lack of prominent cusps, deep sulcus, and marginal ridges.

Polyether impression materials:
a- are less stable dimensionally than poly sulfide rubber
b- are less stiff than poly sulfide rubber
****c- can absorb water and swell if stored in water

an anterior fixed partial denture is contraindicated when:
a- abutment teeth are not carious
b- an abutment tooth is inclined 15 degrees but otherwise sound
***c- there is considerable resorption of the residual ridges
d- crown of the abutment teeth are extremely long owing to gingival recession

the most accurate impression material for making the impression of an onlay cavity:
a- impression compound
b- condensation type silicone
***c- polyvinyl siloxane
d- polysulfide

for the ceramometal restorations,the type of finish line is:
***a- chamfer
b- beveled shoulder

adjustment of contact point :
a- pincile
***b- shim stock
c- siloicon spray indicator
d- dental floss
e- non of the above

benefits of opaque porcelain layer:
a- bonding the metal structure
b- initiating the color
***c- a & b

orthognathic ridge relationship (class II) present several problems which should be taken into consideration when constructing a complete denture prosthesis. These include all EXCEPT:

***a- require minimum interocclusal distance
b- have a great range of jaw movement
c- require careful occlusion, usually cuspless teeth are indicated

planning centric occlusion for complete denture, it is advisable to have:
***a- 1-2 mm of vertical and horizontal overlap of upper and lower anterior teeth with no contact
b- definite tooth contact of upper and lower anterior teeth in order to facilitate the use of anterior teeth for incision

the distal palatal termination of the maxillary complete denture base is dictated by the:
a- tuberosity
b- fovea palatine
c- maxillary tori
***d- vibrating line
e- posterior palatal seal

an examination of the edentulous mouth of an aged pt who has worm maxillary complete dentures for many years against six mandibular teeth would probably show:
a- cystic degeneration of the foramina of the anterior palatine nerve
***b- loss of osseous structure in the anterior maxillary arch
c- flabby ridge tissue in the posterior maxillary arch
d- insufficient inter occlusal distance

the posterior seal in the upper complete denture serves the following functions:
a- it reduces pt discomfort when contact occurs between the dorsum of the tongue and the posterior end of the denture base
b- retention of the maxillary denture
c- it compensate for dimensional changes which occur in the acrylic denture base during processing
***d- …..& b are correct
b & c لقيتهم مذكورين في الdecks>>> بس a كمان شكلها صح...لو فيهall of the above انا اختارها..

balanced occlusion refers to:
a- the type of occlusion which allows simultaneous contact of the teeth in centric occlusion only
***b- the type of occlusion which allows simultaneous contact of the teeth in centric and eccentric jaw positions
c- a type of occlusion which is similar to the occlusion of the natural teeth

the indication for the use lingual plate major connector include:
a- for the purpose of retention
b- when the lingual frenum is high or when there is a shallow lingual sulcus
c- to prevent the movement of mandibular anterior teeth
***d- all of the above

in registering the vertical dimension of occlusion for the edentulous pt, the physiological rest position:
a- is equal to the vertical dimension of occlusion
b- may be exceeded if the appearance of the pt is enhanced
c- is of a little importance as it is subjected to variations
***d- must always be greater than vertical dimension of occlusion

three weeks after delivery of a unilateral distal extension mandibular removable partial denture, a pt complained of a sensitive abutment tooth, clinical examination reveals sensitivity to percussion of the tooth, the most likely cause is:
***a-defective occlusion
b- exposed dentine at the bottom of the occlusal rest seats
c- galvanic action between the framework and an amalgam restoration restoration in the abutment tooth

to enhance strength properties of ceramo metal restoration, it is important to:
a- avoid sharp or acute angles in the metal structure
b- build up thick layer of porcelain
c- porcelain should be of uniform thickness and any defect of the preparation should be compensated by the metal substructure
d- compensate any defect in the preparation equally by porcelain and metal substructure
e- 1 & 2 are correct
***f- 1 & 3 are correct
g- 2 and 4 are correct

the finish line of the core should be:
a- at the finish line of the final restoration
***b- at contra bevel
c- at gingival level
d- tapered with prepared tooth shape

nausea is a complaint that a new denture wearer might encounter. It may result from:
a- thick posterior border
b- denture under extended
c- denture slightly over extended
***d- a & b are correct

to a great extent, the forces occurring through a removable partial denture can be widely distributed and minimized by the following methods:
***a- proper location of the occlusal rests
b- selection of lingual bar major connector
c- developing balanced occlusion
d- all of the above
حست في هذا السؤال شوي .بس c اكيد مو صح لانه الbalanced occ هذا concept يستخدم في الsetting of complete denture teeth بس مو لما يكون عندنا natural teeth.
و الb>> عليها كلام لانه لو قال lingual plate كان قلنا ممكن....

a هي اكثر وحده منطقيه لانهrests هي الي تساعد to direct ال occlusal forces along the long accses of the abutment tooth
هذا والله اعلم......
هذا الكلام نقلا عن المنتدى الذي تم فيه النقاش

wich cranial nerve that petrous part of temporal bone houses:
a-trigeminal n.
***b-facial n.
c-vagus n.
d-vestibalcochealer n.

ligaments associated with TMJ:
***d-all of the above
Ref * : The lateral temporamandibular ligament : limits the movement of the mandible in a posterior

Eruption cyst "eruption hematoma" can be treated by:11-
***a-No treatment
b-Immediate incision
c-Complete uncoverage
d-Observe for one week then incise

Cholesterol crystals are found in:12-
***b-Periodontal cyst

Most commonly dentigerous cysts are associated with:15-
a-Unerupted permanent maxillary canines
***b-Unerupted mandibular third molars

16- Histopathologically , dentigerous cyst Lining epithelium may be:
a-CuboidaL in type
***b-Stratified squamous in type
c-Reduced enamel epithelium
d-ALL of the above

ThyrogLossaL duct cysts:17-
a-Are only found in the posterior tongue
b-Clinically present in the Lateral neck tissue
***c-May be found anywhere along the pathway of the embryonic thyrogLossaL duct
d-Are sometimes called Lympho-epithelial cysts

Which of the following is a benign epithelial neoplasm?18-
d-Granular Cell tumor

19- Unilateral swelling + slowly progressing Lesion on the Left side of the mandible. This could be:
***c-Ossifying Fibroma

Most common site of oral squamous cell carcinoma;20-
***a-Postero-LateraL border of tongue
b-Floor of the mouth
c-Buccal mucosa

Apical periodontal cyst arise from:13-
a-Hertwig sheath
***b-Epithelial cell rest of malassez

Which is the most Likely cause of periodontal cyst?14-
a-Cell Rest of Malassez
b-Cell rest of serss
***c-Cell of Hertwig sheet

5- The process of attraction of NeutrophiLs to a site of Local tissue injury is called:

Action of Histamine:6-

Formation of latral periodontal cyst due to
a-Nasolacrimal cyst
b-Hertwig's epithelial root sheath
c-Epithelial rest of maLassaz
****d-The epithelial rests or glands of Serres

the following structures open into the middel meatus:
a-nasolacrimal duct
b-posteror ethmoidal sinus
c-maxillary sinus
d-sphenoid sinus
e-anterior ethmoidal sinus
1- a,b &d
2- a & b
***3- c & e
4- all of the above

mastoid process is part of:
***a-temporal bone
b-parital bone
c-occiptal bone
d-frontal bone

The term acanthosis refers to:22-
a-A decreased production of keratin
b-An increased production of keratin
***c-An increased thickness of the prickle cell zone (stratum spinosum)
d-None of the above

The most common benign tumor in oral cavity is:21-

23- The most common malignant tumors of the minor salivary glands are:
a-Adenoid cystic carcinoma and adenocarcinoma
b-Adenoid cystic carcinoma and acinic cell carcinoma
***c-Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma
d-Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and polymorphous Low grade adenocarcinoma

24- The moat common type of malignant bone tumor of the jaws is:

25- The majority of intra-oral squamous cell carcinomas are histologically:
a-Poorly differentiated
***b-Well moderately differentiated
c-Spindle cell in type
d-Carcinoma in situ

Histopathologically , early verrucous carcinomas:26-
***a-Have characteristic microscopic features
b-can be confused with acute hypertrophic candidiasis
c-Can be confused with Lichen pLanus
d-Can be confused with chronic hypertrophic candidiasis

27- Histopathologically adenoid cystic carcinoma in characterized by islands of:
a-Basophilic islands of tumor/cells that are intermingled with areas of pseudocartiLage
b-Basophilic islands of tumor cells having a "Swiss cheese" appearance
***???[c-Basophilic islands of tumor cells having a "Swiss cheese" appearance and evidence of serous acini
d-Basophilic islands of tumor cells that contain mucin and normal acini

28- The risk of malignant change being present in epithelium is greatest in:
a-Homogenous Leukoplakia
c-Chronic hyperplasic candidiasis
d-Speckled Leukoplakia

Primary malignant melanoma of the oral mucosa:29-
a-Always originates within the surface epithelium
***b-Mostly originates within the surface epithelium
c-Always originates from nevus cells in the connective tissue
d-Always originates from Langerhans cells within epithelium
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تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2009

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زمان كان اسمها Membership of The Faculty Of the Dental Surgery of Edinburgh
(M.F.D.S) بس حسي غيروها لـ M.J.D.F

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تاريخ التسجيل : 11/05/2012

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الموضوع مفيد جدا. شكرا جزيلا
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/12/2012

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يعنى هى نفس الكتب المطلوبة لmjdf part1 ولا مختلفة
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تاريخ التسجيل : 20/12/2013

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السلام عليكم
شكرا جزيلا الموقع مفيد جدا
لكن روابط الكتب لا تفتح
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تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2014

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السلام عليكم..
روابط الكتب لا تعمل..
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